Friday, January 6, 2017

Welcome Back!

We are learning about the leopard seal. -Brielle

We read a book called What I Saw in the Teacher's Lounge. -Alexis

We learned what solitary means. It means a person or an animal that likes to be alone. -Jacob

We wrote new year's resolutions. -Krishelle

We picked new numbers on our teams, because some of us forgot our old ones! -Logan

We learned that a resolution is a promise to yourself to try to do something. -Noora

We learned that leopard seals are solitary. -Mihir

We learned that penguins are not solitary. They are social! -Savannah

We learned that leopard seals live in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. -Lilliana

Miss Kloczko read Tackylocks and the Three Bears to us. -Ginger

One of my new year's resolutions is to play more Pokemon Go. One of my other resolutions is to not ask to go to McDonald's anymore. -Jonah

One of my new year's resolutions is to stay healthy and not eat cookies for dinner. -Aiden

We learned what pinniped means. Pinnipeds are animals that uses flippers for feet. Two of my new year's resolutions are to stay healthy and work out. -Gino

It was raining and I brought my magnetic guys for recess. -Oscar

We watched a video about Mount Rushmore. -Carson

We got to read to self! -Sophia M.

We learned what frigid means. It means very, very cold, like today. -Owen

Yesterday my team predicted that solitary meant solid. -Ella

We learned a new strategy. We learned how to make a ten. When the answer is going to be more than ten, you can use this strategy. -Sam

We practiced labeling the world map with continents and oceans. -Alexia
First graders, can you point out all
of the continents and oceans for your family?

One of my resolutions was to not fight with my sister. -Antonio

One of my resolutions was to try to get a Nintendo. I also wrote a long story today during writing time. -Henry

We wrote about the teacher's lounge and and funny things that might happen in there. -Sophia D.

We had buddies today and we did artist trading cards together. -Lucia