Friday, September 16, 2016

Striped Skunks Galore!

So much fun and so much learning this week! We are becoming more and more independent during writing time and workshop, we are getting really good at working together and agreeing with our teams (even though it's tough sometimes!), and we have new math groups!

With our new math groups, everyone has a chance to meet with Miss Kloczko during math time, and we all get to go at a pace that's right for us. (Note from Miss Kloczko: I am SO proud of how these kids stepped up to the challenge this week as mathematicians, even when asked to think critically and write about math! They have been so brave during math time! They are practicing math skills independently, and helping each other, so that I can spend time teaching and checking in with each group! Yay!)

Coming in the next few weeks, now that we have our TV and working internet... more technology during math time! We can't wait!

Here's what we did in first grade this week:

We talked about things that awesome readers do. The little boy in the book Bear in the Book was an awesome reader!

We learned how to play a new math game, Addition Face-off! If you have a deck of cards, you can use just the number cards in the deck and play at home with your first grader!

Ms. D read The OK Book to us during writer's workshop. This book inspired us to write about things we are "just OK" at, and about things we are great at!

Our new TV was delivered! We used it right away to watch a few videos about black bears. Then we wrote about what we observed on sticky notes.

We also did our chants using the TV! So fun!

We completed our black bear and bald eagle learning logs. We learned so much, and came up with great questions and connections!

We practiced using our resources while writing the room!

We learned about another animal, the striped skunk.

As a class, we came up with lists of words to help us make detailed sentences about... skunks! Then, we made sentences, read them, and sang them. So cute!

We wrote our favorite skunk facts, and made the CUTEST skunks for Fun Friday!

Just for fun:
Ask your first grader to tell you what one of these signal words means: vertebrate, mammal, addition number sentence, verb, or resource. :)

Thanks for reading! Leave a comment and tell us what stuck with your first grader this week!

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