Friday, September 4, 2015

I Know a Bald Eagle...

Can you believe we have been back at school for a whole month already?! Here's what your first graders (and bald eagle experts) had to say about the fourth week of school:

We wrote stories about something disappointing. -Deniz

We read Bear Has a Story to Tell. -Kyara

We used the chromebooks to listen to books. -Alex

We made a song about skunks. -Jade
Have your first grader sing a song to you using our chart!

We did a fire drill. -Cedrus

We made bald eagles. We cut out our hands to make the wings. -Jaykob

We read part of the baby animals book. We learned about baby black bears. -Lorenzo

We watched part of Brother Bear because its setting is the coniferous forest. -Fabiana

We made another class book called Stuck. -Nya
Watch Oliver Jeffers read the original Stuck here!

We figured out that Chewbacca from Star Wars is a mammal. We know that because he has fur. -Damion

We read two books about bald eagles. -Anahi

We learned what oviparous means. We learned that bald eagles don't have sharp teeth to tear apart their food, but they do have sharp talons and a sharp beak. -Tanaya

We read Hello, Fredbird because Miss Kloczko likes the Cardinals. When I was in TK, Miss Kloczko liked the Giants. -Juan Carlos

We learned the word carnivore. -Aaqil

We did the E page in our America book. E is for eagle. We learned that skunk babies are called kits. -Anshika

We made the C page in our America book. C is for constitution. -Parker

We crumpled up the constitution to make it look old. -Isandro

We learned that the bald eagle only eats meat.  -Carol

Our third grade buddies came to read with us. I remember that when skunks spray it is called musk. -Ryan

We learned that the sum is the answer to an addition problem. -Jared

We learned that the bald eagle's wingspan can be up to 8 feet. -Cooper

The bald eagle is a symbol for the United States of America. -Kendall

A symbol is something that stands for something else. -Jules

We learned that the bald eagle has brown and white feathers. -Allyson

We are in the computer lab for the first time right now! -Indigo

The bald eagle's claws are called talons. -Lea

Baby bald eagles are called eaglets. -Tianna

We read Not a Box. -Liam

This week I received two bald eagles (one, a picture printed out from vacation and the other, drawn and labeled at home). Also, on more than one morning before school, I was presented with "a cone from a coniferous tree!" AND we met our stamina goal on Tuesday! We read for 20 minutes straight! (And we only stopped because we had to go to lunch!) -Miss Kloczko

Just for fun, check out our padlet from this week's homework! 

Have to share this too. :)

Thanks for reading! Leave us a comment! :)

*All comments must be approved by Miss Kloczko.
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1 comment:

  1. Great update! Thanks for sharing all that you are learning!
    Happy Friday,
    Mrs. Tatum (Jules' mom)
