Learn about the exciting and fun things going on in Miss Kloczko's class!
Dear Wesley,Good job! What was the best part of the reptile show?Mr. M
The reptile show is not uzackle the show you are expeckting. There is just a bunch uf reptiles. Love Wesley
It comes back ner thancxgiving.Love wesley
I had so much fun going to the reptile show with you Wesley! You were so brave to hold the lizards and the snakes. I can't wait to go with you again in September. Here is a picture of you from the show.https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1511810_10204973031350697_1826600017643360500_n.jpg?oh=1d5899f31381169a2f86ba180d205b62&oe=55786B1B&__gda__=1435944364_7417b0e94288fd542fde7f1cfee8d98f
Dear Wesley,
ReplyDeleteGood job! What was the best part of the reptile show?
Mr. M
The reptile show is not uzackle the show you are expeckting. There is just a bunch uf reptiles.
DeleteLove Wesley
It comes back ner thancxgiving.
ReplyDeleteLove wesley
I had so much fun going to the reptile show with you Wesley! You were so brave to hold the lizards and the snakes. I can't wait to go with you again in September. Here is a picture of you from the show.