Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Student Blogger: Trèsor

My First Day of Golfing

On Saturday, I went golfing with my mom and my brothers. It was a class that teach people how to golf. It was my first day going to the class. My teacher is Mr. Daniel's. We exercised before we started the class. Some of the exercises were fun and some were hard.  The one that was fun was hula-hooping and running in the squares. The harder one was arm exercises. It hurt my arms.  My teacher said golfers need strong arms. Then we learned the positions and the word we are supposed to yell if we throw our clubs or hit a ball near someone.  The word is "fore". We learned how to chip.  To make it fun, Mr. Daniel's said if we hit the flag, we'd get a dollar. My big brother got $3 and baby brother got $1 for trying his best. I almost hit the flag but someone else's ball hit mine out the way. It was fun golfing with the teacher.



  1. My Dad loves to play golf!
    - Sophia 😉

  2. I like golf too. It is my second favorite sport after basketball.

  3. I like golfing to. I go to golf land where go?

  4. Hi Tresor,
    It sounds like fun to learn how to golf. Have you ever played foot-golf? I played foot-golf at Haggin Oaks on Mother's Day with my mom, dad, papa, and my brother. Maybe you should try it sometime.
    From, Peyton
